It seems I grew bored of people quickly. It's a terrible thing to say, but judging by my track record of "best friends" through grade school, I averaged nearly one new attached-at-the-hip friend each year.
It wasn't anyone's fault. I tend to experience things quickly and then dismiss them as passe as equally fast. Much of the things we did in high school I backed away from because I grew bored after a month or two whereas everyone else carried on with the same activities for years. Been there. Done that. Out of here.
Needless to say, the speed at which I race through things doesn't always go over very well with people. My only child fickleness and stubborn attitude of wanting, nay needing, to be left alone for large periods of time, tends to get on a lot of people's nerves. It's happened quite frequently to my friends now that I've just disappeared for a few days without a trace. Only child invisibility - a girl's best friend.
This all tends to speak volumes about my lack of dating, or relationships, in general. Not only do we face the challenges of above, but I seem to exude asexual tendencies - I just don't find every other male to be bone jumping worthy. In fact, I find very few fall into a dating category at all.
What does this tend to mean in the end, when I do ultimately venture out and give the big wheel a spin?
"It rather goes without saying that Katherine drank her coffee black. Katherines do, generally. They like their coffee like they like their ex-boyfriends: bitter." (p.77)
I love black coffee.
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