Secret Vampire - Daughters of Darkness - Spellbinder
L.J. Smith
Spellbinder has officially been crossed off the list and Night World One is complete. Considering my distaste for the forbidden, albeit soul mate, love portrayed in each of the three novels, the last seemed to finally be setting up a much more promising storyline for any and all characters involved in the Night World.
Despite that, I am still going to move away from the Night World and return to it after a much needed break. There is only so much YA paranormal love drama you can take before your teeth start to rot with it. I've always personally been drawn to vampires (the sheer size of my own canines has led to many vampire jokes) and has resulted in them appearing in my work, but now, lately, I can't bring myself to even mention the vamps anymore. Sure, this all started long ago with shows like Buffy, and even before that, Dracula himself, but recently, with Twilight, True Blood and now, L.J. Smith's Vampire Diaries becoming a show, it's like beating a dead horse ... or falling back into the 90s. Either way.
The moral of the story is, everything tastes really great until you overcook it.
That, and, I'm finding lately even though I know I am reading about vampires, witches or werewolves, who are supposed to be paranormal super beings, I still cannot see them as more than regular human characters in each novel. Oh, you drink blood in your spare time? Sure. That's normal.
That's all beside the point, though.
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